Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Vero" what??

VeroRight” is the code name identifying a suite of technologies that enable rapid construction of complete semantic data solutions. Unlike common solution development platforms that result in data being stuffed into rigid, quickly-aging models accessed by expensive, custom-programmed applications – causing business knowledge to be broken apart and buried within data, code, systems, tools, and people – “VeroRight” is designed from the ground up for:
  • Changing data models and surrounding applications without corruption or excessive cost.
  • Gathering knowledge in a single place instead of spreading it across data, code, and people.
  • Deriving value from data in new, unanticipated ways today and in the future.
  • Containing costs by reducing dependency on expensive software engineering.
With "VeroRight", a complete semantic data solution is mostly configured, not programmed, then deployed, enterprise-ready:

The “VeroRight” suite of technologies includes:
  • VeroMark”, the semantic client user interface builder
  • VeroServe”, a set of semantic data services
  • The xServe set of enterprise infrastructure services:
  • LogServe” enterprise diagnostics service
  • ProfileServe” enterprise user profile service
  • PermissionServe” enterprise authorization service
  • IdentityServe” enterprise identity management and authentication service
  • ExecutionServe” distributed work execution service
Because data is modeled semantically, VeroRight solutions can deliver accuracy despite change -- which explains at least the first part of the name: Vero is Italian for truth.

1 comment:

  1. Nice capture of the key high level benefits, Russell! Thanks. ~Chris
